Regulators Rule on Request to Suspend Proceedings

The NH Public Utilities Commission today issued separate orders regarding our motion to suspend two ongoing proceedings. 

The commisson granted a “stay” of a docket focused on the recovery of costs associated with an emission reduction system (scrubber) at Merrimack Station in Bow. 

The commission denied a stay of a docket examining PSNH’s power generation fleet and its economic impact on the company’s customers. 

Our original request to the N.H. Public Utilities Commission was made in order to provide  the company, other key parties and the Legislature an opportunity to work collaboratively to resolve the issues raised in the proceedings, or dockets. 

We are grateful that the PUC granted our request to postpone further actions and allow an opportunity to discuss these pressing energy issues collaboratively.  Our goal is to produce savings that will benefit customers while ensuring the continued reliable provision of electric service.  We look forward to a thoughtful process that will proceed as quickly as the issues and detailed analyses required will allow.